Thursday 24 August 2017


Hi everyone! This winter I have been playing football! I am in the 2nd's and my team is called 'Southwell Yellow'. We have currently won all of our games except for one (against Te Awamutu), and we have also drawn one. Right now we are at the top of the table, drawing with a team called Te Kophai. We play them tomorrow (Saturday) and if we win we win the league. If you like this post then you give us a better chance of winning!!!

Thursday 10 August 2017

The Stadium

The Stadium.

As I enter the big stadium that has just been opened to certain people, I realize just how much damage the bomb has done. The sand based field has just been ripped out! There is dirt, sand and snow everywhere!!! The signs on the border of the field have been ripped up like tissues and they are everywhere!!!! The V.I.P box has no glass up the front and just above it the TV box has only one and a half wall and only a tiny bit of the roof is left where the two walls meet.

I can only imagine the terror and distress of the people when the bomb went off. There were stampede and panic, blood and tears. Loads of people died just because someone out there wanted a million dollars.  I walk around the curve of the  of the stadium, dodging the chairs that have fallen down and the bits of the roof that have collapsed. I get to the box and walk inside. There are the metal frames of couches in front of me. I guess that that is where the managers and the V.I.P’s would sit. Behind the couches, there is a curved bar where they would get their drinks and food from. There is a pint glass on the table still. There are some pictures of famous footballers that have played at the stadium and photos of the teams that have won the championship here.

After the box, I walk down the stairs and onto the field. There is still patches of grass on the opposite side of the stadium, further away from the bomb. But, I’m getting close to where the bomb went off. There is a crater, and I walk towards it. I can’t help to think about the people standing next to the bomb. They wouldn’t know what happened. I feel really sad. Then I see the tunnel where the players run out to the crown. I start to walk towards the tunnel but then I remember what I had been told about going in there. So I don’t. I walk back out the entrance that I came in, while saying a prayer for the victims and their families.


My writing on 'Pollution'


Just imagine this. You are driving to work, stopped at the traffic lights, and then, the horrible stench of engine fumes and exhaust start to creep into your car, through all of the little nooks and crannies. You turn on the air conditioning, but the air smells disgusting and has a faint tinge of brown on it. A tickle has started to creep up in your throat, like a mouse trying to steal cheese from a mouse trap. You cough and cough but it doesn’t go away. Opening the window doesn’t help either. The light goes green and you speed away thinking, ‘Yes! I survived again!’ This is what you and everyone else goes through on the way to work, or driving down the street.

Furthermore, this could soon be a reality. If we don’t do something soon, we could completely destroy the earth as we know it.  There are already places in the world like this. For example: Shanghai, China. If you go to Shanghai, in China, you will see kids and adults wearing masks as they walk around on the streets. In the really badly polluted places, it is almost impossible to breathe.  

It would appear that many people have just given up. But, the others, like me, know that we can fix this. Just a few weeks ago, in Brazil, thousands of people planted millions of trees in a special gathering to save the planet. If we keep doing this, we could save the planet! The earth is like a human body. It lives, thrives and breathes. But, eventually, in billions of years from now, it will die. If we persist in polluting the earth, it will surely die earlier.

Copying the example of Brazil, and using the analogy of the earth and the human body, perhaps it could repair itself over time. If you don’t believe me, here is an example. In the 70s, scientists discovered a chemical that they were putting into fridges and aerosols called CFCs. This was going  into the atmosphere  and attacking the ozone layer. A huge hole was made. When the world governments banned these,  the ozone layer actually repaired  itself!

Consequently, part of pollution relates to the current climate change crisis. Since 1900, the sea levels have risen by 10 metres! That might not sound like much, but if this carries on, the islands and low lying places will be underwater in a few hundred years! Already, places in Hawaii are underwater! ;Did you know that Holland is actually 6.78 metres below sea level? The reason that they are not under water right now is because of a very special and smart idea. Holland introduced windmills in the early 1800s.  These pump all of the water out of Holland and stop the whole country going underwater and turning into a huge swimming pool!

In conclusion, pollution is doing horrendous things to the environment. But, as humans if we all join together, perhaps my generation can alter the mistakes we have made in the past. We don’t know it for sure if it will fix itself, or if the sea levels will keep rising or not, but it’s worth a shot isn’t it? :-)

By Hugh Kennedy